Moorestown Mall Now Features "Boutique Row" - Anne E. Koons - Your Local Real Estate Expert

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Moorestown Mall Now Features “Boutique Row”

mallThe Philadelphia Inquirer has a recent story about some of the new high end, boutique retail and restaurant opportunities at the Moorestown Mall.

This is not your mother’s – or your daughter’s – Moorestown Mall.

Four years ago, its owners decided it was time to sink, swim, or take a high dive with the drab and low-performing shopping center on Route 38. The Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT) opted for the high dive.

The Philadelphia firm embarked on a radical makeover that would, it predicted, turn a stretch of Moorestown Mall into a destination for the rich that would make it the place to “dine, shop, and be seen” in South Jersey.

The result is its high-end “boutique row,” which PREIT’s vice president for marketing, Heather Crowell, predicted last week would be “a model that can be replicated in other parts of the country.”

The full story is worth a read and the new occupants at the mall are worth a visit.

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