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How To Prevent Injuries While Moving


Moving day is bittersweet. First, there’s the excitement of moving to a new home and the new opportunities that await. Then, there’s the toll moving can take on your mental and physical health.

The many tasks associated with moving, like packing, loading, unloading and unpacking, can cause stress and physical injuries. Common injuries associated with moving include back strain, smashed fingers, cuts, bruises and others.

Learn more about how to keep yourself and your family safe from injuries on moving day here.

Lift Within Your Limits

One of the most dreaded parts of moving is the heavy lifting. Bending improperly can cause back sprains, dislocated joints and numerous other injuries if you drop what you’re holding.

Proper lifting technique involves placing your feet shoulder-width apart, squatting to put the pressure on your legs, and lifting with your back straight. Remember to breathe, and always know your limits. Never lift items heavier than is possible with reasonable effort.

Don’t Procrastinate

It’s easy to push moving tasks to the very last minute, especially if you dread moving. Unfortunately, rushing may cause you to push your limits and injure yourself or others.

Start compiling your moving plan when you find out your moving date. Begin by packing the items you know you won’t need before moving day. Then, start packing the important items, leaving only the necessities for your final days at home. Creating a moving timeline and methodically packing will save unnecessary stress and strain.

Lift and Move Slowly

Lift items slowly and walk carefully to the moving truck or into your new home. Refrain from carrying boxes on top of each other, as they can obstruct your view, causing you to trip or fall. Remember that an injury on moving day will only put you further behind schedule.

Clear a Path

Always clear a path through your home before anyone begins moving items. Tripping over clutter or cords can result in injury and serious damage to your belongings. Moving day is a good time to send young kids and pets to a relative’s house, but restricting access to the moving areas works too.

Prep Your Body for Moving Day

Most people who have moved in the past remember how sore they were after moving day. You can prevent immense soreness and numerous injuries by treating moving day like an hours-long athletic event.

Prep your body with strength-training exercises in the weeks or months before your move. Lifting free weights can strengthen the arms and back, while planks and sit-ups train the core.

On moving day, warm up your body with a light aerobic exercise and perform a stretching routine for your arms, legs and back. Fuel up with a healthy breakfast, take breaks for meals and drink plenty of water. Moving day requires muscular and cardiovascular strength, and being prepared can prevent injury or debilitating soreness the following day.

Wear Proper Moving Clothes

There’s a reason moving companies require their employees to wear uniforms, often with long pants, long sleeves, gloves and closed-toed shoes. These items help prevent scrapes, cuts and bruises. Refrain from wearing baggy clothes that can get caught on furniture, and consider a knee, back or ankle brace if you have had prior injuries in these areas.

Consider Getting Help

It’s not practical to move an entire home on your own. Enlist the help of friends and family members by creating a fun moving day celebration with drinks and pizza — or leave your move entirely to the experts by hiring a professional moving company.

Hiring movers is an expense, but it can take all the stress out of your upcoming move. Many companies offer comprehensive services, including packing, loading, unloading, unpacking and assembly. This is the absolute best way to avoid injuries while moving.

Moving day doesn’t have to be a drag. Plan properly, allow yourself plenty of time and move carefully to create a less stressful and injury-free moving experience.

Author bio: Stan Caramalac is the founder and CEO of Move Central. He started the company because he truly believed that moving could be simple as long as it was done efficiently. He strives to help people make their moves smoother and less stressful. Caramalac and his team proudly serve San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and the Bay Area.

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