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Keep Clean: Tips to Battle Stains

Nothing ruins a new outfit or clean carpet faster than a stain. But between eating on the fly, entertaining friends and taking care of the family, spills happen!

“It’s no accident that July honors one of our most fun but also messiest foods,” Bob Kearn, president and CEO of COIT, said, noting that July is National Ice Cream Month. “Between ice cream spills and beverage stains, picnics and parties, it’s no wonder many of our customers are turning to us for help.”

For the best chance at preventing permanent carpet staining, act immediately when a spill occurs and do not allow stains to dry. Test the following suggested solutions in an inconspicuous area first and always use clean, white towels to blot. Some of the most common summer carpeting spills and their quick remedies include:

Ice cream: Create an ammonia solution that includes one tablespoon of clear ammonia for each half cup of water and a dish detergent solution that includes one teaspoon of mild dish detergent for every cup of water. Apply warm water or soda water to the stain and blot. Apply the dish detergent solution and blot. Apply the ammonia solution and blot again. Finally, rinse with tap water and blot dry.

Chocolate: Use the same ammonia and dish detergent solutions as you would use for an ice cream stain. In addition, you will need a white vinegar solution made by mixing one-third of a cup of white distilled vinegar with two-thirds of a cup of water. Apply the cool dish detergent solution and blot. Next, apply the ammonia solution and blot. Rinse with tap water and blot again, and then apply the white vinegar solution. Rinse with tap water and blot dry.

Alcohol, including beer and whiskey: Squirt the stain with warm tap water or soda water, and then blot dry (carpet shampoo might also be effective).

Coffee, tea, or cola: Mix one third of a cup of white distilled vinegar with two-thirds of a cup of water. Flush the stain first with cold tap water or soda water, then apply the white vinegar solution and blot. Rinse with water and blot dry.

Mud: Mix a solution that includes one teaspoon of mild dish detergent to one cup of water. Mud is one of the few stains that you should first allow to dry before cleaning. Brush, scrape or vacuum off as much of the dried dirt as possible. Apply the dish detergent solution, and then rinse with tap water and blot dry.

Gravy, ketchup, and mustard: These stains can be tackled with either a dish detergent solution or a laundry detergent solution. In either case, use one teaspoon of mild detergent for every cup of water. You can also create a white vinegar solution by mixing one-third of a cup of white distilled vinegar for every two-thirds cup water. Apply the solution you’re using to the stain and blot. Rinse with tap water and blot dry.

Fruit, juice, jelly, soda, and artificial colors: To remove these common summer stains, follow the same directions as for gravy, ketchup, and mustard above.


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